Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Rabbit Hole of Conspiracy

I would not be surprised if Obama is behind Gen Petraeus' downfall...  I think Obama is a cagey enough in-fighter to do it. He wisely placed Petraeus @ CIA to remove him from the 2012 sweepstakes. He also had good reason to distrust Petraeus for trying to dictate Afghan policy to the White House. So dazzle your enemy with a largely ceremonial position that he would look petulant or downright unpatriotic to refuse. Keep him close enough to prevent him doing any real damage. Then dispose of him more permanently at your leisure after the election. An added benefit is that it creates enough commotion at the Agency to hobble any campaign to derail Obama's re-election bid. One can not blame him for not wanting to get sucker-punched by the Agency like Carter did.

But there is an even more likely scenario in my mind. Petraeus was accustomed to a cadre of sycophantic staff in the Army. When he arrived at the Agency he had no friends or loyal retainers. There are many there still loyal to Poppy Bush. The whole thing seems like a honeypot, although there must be more to it because marital infidelity alone would not force his resignation. Whatever leverage they used, Petraeus is now disgraced & effectively barred from seeking political office. Whatever tempest in a teabag launches into the primaries, Petraeus would have been the only credible competition for Jeb in 2016. It probably will work. So the family that God (at least of the Protestants) intended to be stewards of this great nation will once again be at the helm.

Lest we shed too many bitter tears about this rough treatment of the good General... he will probably have a seat on the board at Carlyle Group by year's end.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Seems to me...

Romney doesn't really want to win. I suppose it was gratifying to grind down his primary opponents one by one. Last Man Standing... Hooray! Wasn't really a surprise, though. Hasn't he been the presumptive nominee since January 09?

What perplexes me is while the man is incapable of telling the truth... why can't he be bothered to tell people what they want to hear?